Wednesday, September 19, 2007

hairspray review

Well as musicals go this one left me a little dazed, travolta played an execllent role but his singing voice has bio degraded since his last effort in this particular frontier grease, the eye candy was delectable ie young Zac yum yum and some of the humour was particulary funny in all it's politicly incorrect glory, phiffer played the stereo typical bitch and seems to be type cast into this role for all etenity but when markus made the appropiate cat call it semed to make her more barable, my favourite part of the movie wasn't even in the movie but when young Zac did his versoin of blue steel and every gay boy in the cinema all made the aHHH noise very funny, least favourite part was the political agenda for black rights altough a serious issue it had no bussiness being in a comidic take on highschool dramma of the early 60's all in all though it get a 6 out of 10 cause i couldn't stop laughing at the gaggle of school girls sitting next to me who's laughter was extreamly amusing opps thats was markus, ross and obe lol

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